The Whack Master: Zorg's Galactic Lesson

Once upon a time, there was a brave alien named Zorg who wore a special suit with a powerful blaster. One day, while exploring the galaxy, Zorg met a group of aliens who were having trouble with a lesson.
Zorg decided to help and huddled with the aliens to come up with a plan. Suddenly, Zorg had an idea and said, "I'll use my blaster to whack the problem away!"
The aliens were skeptical, but Zorg was determined. So, he aimed his blaster and gave a salute. With a loud "Whack!", the problem was solved, and the aliens cheered.
From then on, Zorg was known as the "Whack Master" and was always ready to help teach a lesson in a creative and fun way.


  1. What kind of suit did Zorg wear?
  2. How did Zorg help the group of aliens with their lesson?
  3. How did the other aliens react to Zorg's solution?
  4. What was Zorg known as after solving the lesson?
  5. Why do you think Zorg wanted to help the aliens with their lesson?

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