The Fancier's Boxcar Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a fancier who lived in a warehouse. He loved to collect all sorts of stuff, but he was also very selfish. One day, he became frustrated because he couldn't find a place to store all of his stuff.

So, he decided to build a boxcar and fill it with all of his belongings. But as he was loading the boxcar, he realized that he had packed too many things and couldn't close the door. Suddenly, the boxcar started rolling down the hill and went on a wild adventure!

Along the way, the fancier met new friends and learned about sharing and kindness. When he finally returned to the warehouse, he was no longer frustrated and selfish. Instead, he was happy to share his stuff with others and live a joyful life.

The End.


  1. What happened to the fancier when he tried to put all of his stuff in the boxcar?
  2. What did the fancier learn on his adventure?
  3. How did the fancier change after his adventure?
  4. Why was it important for the fancier to share his stuff with others?

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