Envy the Buffalo's Stampede Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a herd of buffalo who lived in the sacred plains. One day, a buffalo named Envy felt tired of just being an ordinary buffalo in the herd. He wanted to do something special that would make everyone look up to him and surround him with admiration.

So, Envy came up with a plan to become the leader of the stampede. He thought that if he could lead the herd to the best grazing land, they would all follow him and he would become famous.

However, as Envy started his journey, he realized that leading a stampede was not as easy as it seemed. He had to be cautious and watch out for obstacles on the path.

One day, while Envy was leading the herd, he spotted the juiciest patch of grass he had ever seen. Excited, he ran towards it, but little did he know that there was a cliff just ahead. The stampede followed Envy blindly and soon they were all running towards the cliff.

Envy, realizing his mistake, tried to stop the stampede, but it was too late. The herd followed Envy over the cliff and into a deep ravine.

When they finally reached the bottom, Envy was greeted with laughter and jeers from the other buffalo. They told him that he should have been more careful and that leading a stampede was not for just anyone.

From that day on, Envy learned to be content with being just an ordinary buffalo in the herd and to appreciate the importance of caution and wisdom.


  1. What did Envy want to do in the story and why?
  2. What was Envy's mistake when leading the stampede?
  3. How did the other buffalo react to Envy's misadventure?
  4. What did Envy learn from his experience leading the stampede?
  5. Why is caution and wisdom important, especially when leading others?

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