Ravi the River: A Journey of Life and Nutrients

Once upon a time, there was a river named Ravi who lived in a big watershed. Ravi loved collecting nutrients from the soil and sediment from the tributary streams to make herself strong and healthy. But one day, there was a big storm and Ravi overflowed her banks, flooding the floodplain. The animals living there were scared, but then they noticed that Ravi had brought them lots of food and new soil for their plants. They soon realized that Ravi was not just a destructive force, but also provided life.
Years went by and Ravi continued to bring life to the floodplain, until one day she reached the sea and became a delta. The animals threw a big party to celebrate Ravi’s journey and all the life she had brought to their home. And so, the story ends with Ravi being remembered as a hero, not just a river, but a provider of nutrients, sediment, and life.


  1. What did Ravi the river collect from the soil and tributary streams?
  2. Why were the animals living in the floodplain scared when Ravi overflowed her banks?
  3. What did the animals realize about Ravi after she overflowed her banks?
  4. How did Ravi become a delta?
  5. Why did the animals throw a party for Ravi?

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