Once upon a time in a magical forest, there lived a group of birds. The huia, hornbill, pelican, crossbill, hummingbird and the bearded barbet were best of friends. They spent their days flying, singing and playing games together.
One day, the bearded barbet had some sad news to share. He told his friends that he was extinct, which meant that he would no longer exist in the world. The other birds were shocked and didn't know what to do. So, they decided to use their magical powers to bring the bearded barbet back to life.
They flew to the top of the tallest tree and started to sing the most beautiful song they could think of. Suddenly, the sky lit up with colourful lights, and a shower of feathers rained down from the sky. When the feathers cleared, the bearded barbet was back!
The friends cheered and hugged each other. They had saved the bearded barbet from extinction and showed that friendship is stronger than anything else. From that day on, they lived happily ever after and continued to have many more adventures together.
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