Title: "The Adventures of the Protecting Bee and the Compost Pile

Once upon a time, there was a small garden full of flowers and fruits. The plants were very happy because they had all the nutrients they needed to grow strong and healthy. But one day, a group of mischievous bugs came along and started munching on all the leaves.

The plants were worried, so they held a meeting to come up with a plan to protect themselves. One plant suggested that they create a compost pile to use as a shield. Another plant suggested that they record which bugs were eating their leaves, so they could know which ones to avoid in the future.

Then, a wise old bee came along and offered to help pollinate the plants. The plants were very grateful and asked the bee to stay and help protect them from the bugs.

So, the bee created a record of all the bugs that came near the plants, and used the compost pile to keep them away. The plants were able to produce lots of fruits and flowers, and the garden was full of life and happiness once again.

And that's how the plants, the bee, and the compost pile worked together to protect the garden and make it thrive!


  1. What did the plants do to protect themselves from the mischievous bugs?
  2. How did the bee help the plants in the garden?
  3. Why was the compost pile important in the story?
  4. What did the plants use to record which bugs were eating their leaves?
  5. What happened in the end of the story?

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