Max the Wandering Monkey and the Magic Blowgun

Once upon a time, in a jungle filled with strange creatures, there lived a curious little monkey named Max. Max was always restless and loved to wander around the jungle looking for new adventures. One day, while on his travels, Max spotted a blowgun lying on the ground. He picked it up and repeatedly tried to blow into it, but nothing happened. Suddenly, a relieved sigh escaped from the blowgun, and out popped a tiny genie. The genie granted Max three wishes, and Max wished for endless adventures in the jungle. From that day on, Max was never bored or restless again, as he went on exciting adventures filled with magic and wonder.


  1. Why was Max always restless?
  2. What did Max find in the jungle?
  3. Who granted Max his three wishes?
  4. What did Max wish for?
  5. Was Max ever bored or restless again after his adventures?

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