Prissy the Praying Mantis' Adventure in Wonderland".

Once upon a time in a magical forest, there lived a praying mantis named Prissy. Prissy loved to watch the leaf insects gracefully flutter their wings, but she was always envious of their ability to fly. One day, she was wondering how it would feel to fly like a dragon and decided to set out on an adventure to find one.

Along the way, she met a flying dragon who told her about a sea dragon who lived in a nearby lake. Prissy was amazed and couldn't wait to see this sea dragon. She finally found the lake and saw the sea dragon soaring through the air, leaving a trail of sparkles behind. Prissy was in awe and asked the sea dragon if she could teach her how to fly. The sea dragon agreed and soon Prissy was soaring through the sky, leaving a trail of sparkles behind her.

As she flew, she came across a leaf-rolling weevil who was having trouble rolling up a leaf. Prissy offered to help and, together, they rolled up the biggest leaf anyone had ever seen. Suddenly, an archerfish shot a stream of water at Prissy, drenching her and causing her to fall from the sky. Prissy wasn’t hurt, but she was soaking wet. The archerfish apologized and offered to dry her off with a warm sunbeam. Prissy accepted and soon she was dry and ready to continue her flight.

And that's how Prissy the praying mantis learned to fly and made new friends along the way. The end.


  1. How did Prissy feel about the leaf insects?
  2. What did Prissy ask the sea dragon to teach her?
  3. Who did Prissy help roll up a leaf?
  4. How did the archerfish apologize to Prissy?
  5. What did Prissy learn in the end?

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