The Mold Who Became a Protector: A Leftover Adventure

Once upon a time, in a kingdom filled with yummy leftovers, there lived a Mold who was tired of the stench that surrounded him. He wanted to be known as the Protector of the kingdom and make sure all the leftovers were fresh and delicious.

One day, the Mold stumbled upon some leftovers that had started to rot. He knew he had to do something about it quickly before the entire kingdom was filled with a terrible smell. So, he sprang into action and used his powers to clean and preserve the leftovers.

The Mold was now famous throughout the kingdom as the Protector. He made sure every leftover was treated with care and deserved to be enjoyed by everyone. The kingdom was filled with happy and satisfied citizens, and the Mold was known as the hero who saved the day.

The end.


  1. Why did the Mold want to become the Protector of the kingdom?
  2. What did the Mold do when he found the leftovers starting to rot?
  3. How did the Mold become famous throughout the kingdom?
  4. What was the outcome of the Mold's actions in the kingdom?
  5. How do you think you could become a protector in your own community?

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