The Boss' Embarrassing Day

Once upon a time, there was an angry boss who was always mean to his employees. But one day, something embarrassing happened to him at work. His pants ripped right in the middle of a meeting!

Everyone started to giggle, and the boss was so bothered that he felt like crawling under a rock. However, his pride wouldn't let him do that. So, he tried to act cool and pretend nothing happened.

But then, one of his employees came up with a creative solution to solve the problem. She offered him a pair of pants made of paper. The boss was surprised but also proud of himself for having such a resourceful employee.

From that day on, the boss was no longer mean and angry. He was grateful and even started to become friends with his employees. They all laughed and had fun at work every day. The end.


  1. How did the boss feel when his pants ripped in the meeting?
  2. Was the boss proud of his employee for finding a creative solution?
  3. How did the boss' relationship with his employees change after the embarrassing incident?
  4. How would you feel if you were in the boss' position?
  5. What lesson can we learn from this story?

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