Jack the Brave and the Haunted House

Once upon a time, in a scorched forest, there lived a mischievous fawn named Jack. He loved to play pranks and cause mayhem. One day, Jack decided to play a trick on his friends by pretending to vanish into thin air. But, he accidentally stumbled upon a haunted house and was unable to continue the joke. He let out a loud shriek in panic as ghosts started to appear from all around. Just then, he had an option of either running away or facing them head-on. Jack mustered all his courage and confronted the ghosts, asking for a reason for their haunting. To his surprise, the ghosts explained that they were just looking for someone to listen to their stunning story. Jack listened intently and the ghosts disappeared into the air. Jack realized that sometimes, the best way to get through a scary situation is to simply listen and continue with an open mind. The End.


  1. Why did Jack play a trick on his friends?
  2. How did Jack feel when he saw the ghosts?
  3. Why were the ghosts haunting the house?
  4. What did Jack do to make the ghosts disappear?
  5. What did Jack learn from his experience at the haunted house?

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