The Latina's Fight for Justice

Once upon a time, in a kingdom where everyone was equal, there lived a Latina named Maria. She loved to play with her friends and always believed in standing up for what was right.

One day, the majority of the kingdom nominated a new leader who didn't believe in the constitution. They started treating everyone differently based on their looks and beliefs, which Maria thought was wrong and unfair.

Maria decided to take a stand against this discrimination and fight for justice. She gathered her friends and together they came up with a plan to show the new leader that everyone deserves to be treated equally.

They brought their case to the court of the kingdom and made an amendment to the constitution, which stated that everyone must be treated with respect and fairness, no matter who they are.

The new leader was finally convinced, and the kingdom was filled with happiness and laughter once again. From that day on, everyone lived together in peace and harmony. The end.


  1. Why did Maria and her friends believe that the new leader was treating people unfairly?
  2. What did Maria and her friends do to fight against discrimination in the kingdom?
  3. How did the amendment to the constitution help the kingdom?
  4. How did the new leader change his beliefs about equality and fairness?
  5. What can we learn from Maria's story about standing up for what is right and fighting for justice?

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