Max and the Astronomer: A Night of Stargazing Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a young amateur astronomer named Max who loved to look at the stars through his telescope. One night, while he was observing the constellation Orion, he noticed that the windbreak was not working properly, and the reflected light was making it difficult to see the stars. Max decided to go to the observatory in his trolley to get a better image of the stars. When he arrived, he met an astronomer who was having the same problem. They joined forces and fixed the windbreak, and they were able to observe the stars with great clarity. From that day on, Max and the astronomer became good friends, and they explored the wonders of the sky together.


  1. Who is Max in the story?
  2. What was the problem Max faced while observing the stars?
  3. What did Max do to get a better image of the stars?
  4. Who did Max meet at the observatory?
  5. What was the outcome of Max and the astronomer's collaboration?

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