The Great Wall of Safety: A Tale of Earthquakes and Mudslides

Once upon a time, in a land filled with mountains and valleys, there lived a small village of animals. One day, while they were playing, they felt the ground shake. They looked at each other in fear because they knew what was happening, an earthquake! The Richter scale went off the charts, measuring the strength of the earthquake. The animals quickly ran for safety, but as they did, they saw the ground split apart, and a landslide occurred! The landslide turned into a mudslide, burying everything in its path.

The animals realized that the earthquake was caused by a fault in the earth's crust, which allowed magma to escape and cause the seismic activity. They knew they had to find a solution fast, before another earthquake occurred. So, they got together and decided to build a wall around their village, to protect it from any future landslides and mudslides.

Years went by, and the wall stood strong, protecting the village from any more earthquakes. And every time the ground shook, the animals would laugh and say "Don't worry, we're safe behind our wall!" And so, the village lived happily ever after.


  1. What was the cause of the earthquake in the story?
  2. How did the animals protect their village from future earthquakes and mudslides?
  3. Do you think a wall is a good solution to protect from earthquakes and mudslides? Why or why not?
  4. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Describe what you felt and what happened.

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