Timmy's Energetic Recitation

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Timmy who had to recite a poem in front of his classmates. Timmy felt very apprehensive and nervous as he trudged to the front of the room. When he began to recite, his classmates started to mock him because he was so nervous. But Timmy refused to give up! He took a deep breath and suddenly became energetic. Instead of reciting the poem, he started to dance and sing it in a funny way. His classmates were so surprised that they couldn't stop laughing and applauding. Timmy's performance was a big hit and he went from being nervous to confident in an instant. The end.


  1. How did Timmy feel when he first walked to the front of the room?
  2. What did his classmates do when he started to recite the poem?
  3. How did Timmy react to his classmates' mocking?
  4. What did Timmy do instead of reciting the poem?
  5. How did Timmy's classmates respond to his performance?

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