Max the Brave: A Tale of Nonviolence and Fairness

Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away, the King decided to impose a new tax on the citizens. The people were not happy and decided to protest in a peaceful manner, inspired by the belief in nonviolence and respect for fairness. However, the King was not impressed and ordered his army to stop the protesters.

The Little Mouse, named Max, who lived in the kingdom, wanted to help the people and inspire them to continue their struggle for justice. He went door-to-door to register everyone who wanted to join the protest. Max believed that together they could represent their political views and bring an end to the conflict.

On the day of the protest, Max stood on top of a chair, and addressed the crowd, "Friends, we are here today to stand up for what we believe in, to fight for fairness, and to show the world that we can solve conflicts without violence."

The King, who was watching from his palace, was so moved by Max's words that he decided to listen to the people's grievances and work towards resolving the conflict in a fair manner. From that day on, the kingdom was known for its respectful and nonviolent ways of resolving conflicts, and Max became a hero among the people.

The end.


  1. Why did the people protest in a peaceful manner?
  2. What did Max believe was important for the protest?
  3. How did the King react to the protest?
  4. What made Max a hero among the people?
  5. What is the message of the story about resolving conflicts?

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