Gingerly Tim and the Slithering Snake

Once upon a time, there was a man named Tim who lived near a riverbank. One day, he decided to take his canoe out for a spin. As he paddled along, he noticed a giant snake slithering towards him. Tim quickly grabbed his bow and began to maneuver the canoe away from the snake. But, the snake was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, Tim remembered something he learned in survival school: snakes are afraid of gingerly movements! So, Tim started moving his arms and legs gingerly, and sure enough, the snake slithered away. From that day on, Tim always remembered to move gingerly when he was near a snake. The end.


  1. What did Tim use to try and scare the snake away?
  2. Why was Tim in a canoe on the riverbank?
  3. How did Tim remember what to do to scare the snake away?
  4. Why was the snake afraid of Tim's movements?
  5. What did Tim learn from this experience?

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