The Abbot's Garland and the Corrupt Ranger

Once upon a time, there was an Abbot who lived in a monastery in the forest. He had taken a vow to live a simple life, but he always loved to wear a garland of flowers on his head.
One day, a friar came to the monastery and told the Abbot about a corrupt ranger who was stealing from the villagers. The Abbot decided to teach the ranger a lesson and went to confront him.
The ranger was caught by surprise, and when he saw the Abbot wearing a garland, he burst out laughing. The Abbot, not wanting to lose his dignity, tried to keep a straight face, but the ranger's laughter was too contagious. Soon, the Abbot was laughing along with the ranger, and the two of them became fast friends.
The moral of the story is that sometimes, a little humor can go a long way in resolving conflicts and bringing people together.


  1. Why did the Abbot wear a garland of flowers?
  2. What did the friar tell the Abbot about the ranger?
  3. How did the Abbot react when he saw the ranger laughing?
  4. What lesson did the Abbot learn from this experience?
  5. Can humor help resolve conflicts? Why or why not?

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