The Frontier Hero: Sarah's Mission To End Discrimination

Once upon a time, there was a frontier town called Littleville. The settlers in Littleville lived on a reservation, where they were protected from the outside world. But one day, the settlers found out that discrimination had started to occur in their town. Some settlers started to prove that they were better than others based on the color of their skin or their nationality.

But one little girl named Sarah didn't understand why everyone was acting this way. She wanted everyone to be treated equally and with respect. So she decided to go on a mission to protect the rights of all settlers, no matter who they were.

Sarah went to each house in Littleville and told the settlers that they needed to stop the discrimination. She told them that everyone was special and had something unique to offer. Except for the mean old man who lived at the end of the street. He refused to listen and continued to discriminate against others.

One day, a group of Native Americans came to Littleville to trade goods with the settlers. The mean old man started to discriminate against them too. But Sarah stepped in and proved that even though they looked different, they were just like everyone else and deserved the same respect. The settlers finally realized that Sarah was right and started to treat everyone equally.

From then on, Littleville was a happy and peaceful place where everyone was accepted for who they were. The end.


  1. Why did the settlers in Littleville start to discriminate against each other?
  2. Why did Sarah want to protect the rights of all settlers?
  3. What did Sarah do to stop the discrimination in Littleville?
  4. How did the mean old man react to Sarah's mission?
  5. How did the settlers in Littleville change after Sarah's mission?

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