The Glorious Bough: A Magical Journey

Once upon a time, in a magical forest, there lived a bough on a fir tree. The bough was known for its glorious finery and evergreen leaves that shimmered in the sunlight. It was so beautiful that everyone considered it to be a marvel.
One day, the bough felt bothered by all the attention it was getting from the other creatures in the forest. They would come and admire its beauty and ask for a piece of its ornament as a souvenir. So, the bough decided to go on a journey to find some peace and quiet.
As the bough travelled through the forest, it encountered a wise old owl who told it, "Your beauty is a gift and should be shared with others, it's what makes you truly magnificent."
The bough realized the error of its ways and decided to return to its home on the fir tree. From that day on, it shone brighter than ever and spread joy and happiness to all who saw it. And the creatures of the forest were so grateful to have such a magical bough in their midst.

The end.


  1. Why did the bough feel bothered?
  2. What did the wise old owl tell the bough?
  3. How did the bough change after its journey?
  4. Why do you think the creatures in the forest were grateful for the bough?

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