The Prankster Protests: A Tale of Unfair Assignments and Mischievous Mentions

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved to play pranks on each other. One day, they decided to protest against the teacher's unfair assignments. They gathered evidence and repeated their demands, but the teacher didn't seem to listen.
So they came up with a plan to prank the teacher by mentioning a fake animal in the lesson. To their surprise, the teacher believed them and even wrote it down in the book! The friends couldn't remain calm and burst out laughing. From that day on, the teacher always double-checked before assigning any homework! The end.


  1. Why did the friends decide to protest against the teacher's assignments?
  2. What was the fake animal the friends mentioned in the lesson?
  3. How did the teacher react when the friends mentioned the fake animal?
  4. What did the friends learn from pranking the teacher?
  5. How do you think the teacher felt after the prank?

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