The Keratin-Insulated Krill: A Warm Tale of Adventure in the Ocean

Once upon a time, there was a group of krill who lived in the ocean. They all had flukes and used sonar to navigate their way. But one day, a baby krill was born with a special talent - it could insulate its esophagus with keratin! This made it the warmest krill in the ocean, even in the coldest of waters.
So, the baby krill set off on an adventure to find the source of the warmth. It swam through schools of fish, past whales with baleen, and eventually found a group of whales who were hoarding all the blubber for themselves.
The baby krill realized that the gestation period of the whales was too long, so they couldn't produce enough blubber to keep themselves warm. So, the baby krill offered to insulate their esophagus with keratin and keep them warm.
And thus, the baby krill became the hero of the ocean, insulating all the whales, and they all lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. What special talent did the baby krill have?
  2. Why did the baby krill go on an adventure in the ocean?
  3. What was the problem that the whales were facing?
  4. How did the baby krill help the whales?
  5. What happened in the end of the story?

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