The Fertilizer Professor

Once upon a time, in the segregated South during the Civil War, there was a professor who was also an inventor. He was always experimenting with ways to improve agriculture, and one day he stumbled upon a secret formula for the perfect fertilizer. It was packed with all the necessary nutrients plants needed to grow big and strong. The professor was so excited about his discovery that he took it straight to Congress to share. They were so impressed that they made him the official fertilizer supplier for all of the local sharecroppers. From that day on, the crops grew taller and healthier than ever before, and everyone lived happily ever after, with plenty to eat!


  1. What did the professor invent?
  2. How did the crops change after the professor's invention?
  3. Why did the professor go to Congress?
  4. Who were the sharecroppers in the story?
  5. How did the story end?

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