The Smitten Organ Prodigy: A Monastery Love Story

Once upon a time, there was a young organ prodigy who lived in a monastery. He was so skilled at playing the organ that everyone in the village came to hear him play every Sunday. One day, the organist became smitten with a beautiful young woman who loved to sing requiems. The organist wanted to impress her, so he decided to perform a concerto for her.

However, when he sat down at the organ, he realized he had forgotten how to play! All he could remember were scales. The organist felt so dreadful that he thought his music career was over. But the young woman was so moved by the way he played the scale that she told him it was the most beautiful piece she had ever heard.

From that day on, the organist and the young woman performed together all over the world, and their concerts were always sold out. They traveled from monastery to monastery, always leaving their audiences in awe. People said that their love for each other made their music even more magical. And so, the organist and the young woman lived happily ever after, proving that sometimes the most probable things can turn out to be the most wonderful.


  1. Why did the organist feel dreadful before the concerto?

  2. How did the young woman's words change the organist's feelings about his music?

  3. What was special about the organist and the young woman's concerts?

  4. How did the organist and the young woman's love for each other affect their music?

  5. Can you think of a time when something that seemed bad turned out to be good?

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