The Sweet-Toothed Bear's Marathon Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a dictate in the kingdom that everyone must run in a marathon. A trio of friends – a bear, a rabbit, and a squirrel – decided to join the race. But the bear had a big craving for honey, so he kept stopping to look for some.
The rabbit and the squirrel were getting frustrated, so they decided to summon all their strength and speed to pass the bear. As they ran, the bear's brow furrowed with determination to catch up to them. The rabbit and the squirrel soon realized that their friend was becoming leaner and faster, and they started to get worried!
But it turned out, the bear was just following his sweet tooth to the finish line, where he found a huge pot of honey waiting for him. The trio laughed and hugged, realizing that sometimes the best things in life come when you follow your cravings. The end.


  1. What was the dictate in the kingdom?
  2. What did the trio of friends decide to do?
  3. Why did the bear stop running during the marathon?
  4. How did the rabbit and the squirrel feel about the bear's stops?
  5. What happened to the bear as he ran to catch up to his friends?
  6. What was waiting for the bear at the finish line?
  7. What did the trio of friends realize at the end of the story?

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