Sneaky the Snake's Hilarious Hunting Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a cold-blooded snake named "Sneaky" who lived in a serpentine habitat. Sneaky loved to hibernate during winter but as soon as spring arrived, he would go hunting for his prey. One day, while hunting, Sneaky met a mouse who was immune to his venom. The mouse laughed at Sneaky and told him that he was the only mouse in the forest who was not afraid of snakes. Sneaky was shocked and asked the mouse how he did it. The mouse replied, "I just pretend to be a snake, hiss like you and show my sharp teeth." Sneaky was amazed and asked the mouse to teach him how to do it. The next day, when Sneaky went hunting, he tried to mimic the mouse's technique and to his surprise, all the animals in the forest were running away from him. Sneaky finally got his prey but was still laughing about his new found talent. The end.


  • What was the snake's name?
  • What was the snake's habitat like?
  • What did Sneaky do during winter?
  • Who did Sneaky meet while hunting?
  • What was the mouse immune to?
  • What did the mouse teach Sneaky?
  • How did Sneaky feel when he finally caught his prey?

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