The Paratrooper's Arch Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a paratrooper named Billy who loved to do free falls. One day, he decided to use his birdman suit and jump from an airplane. He had his altimeter and adrenaline rush ready. But as soon as he jumped, his static line got tangled with the rigger's!

Billy was in a panic, but he remembered his discipline training and pulled the ripcord. To his surprise, the chute didn't open. He looked down and saw that the static line was still tangled. Suddenly, he noticed a big arch in the sky, and he knew what to do. He grabbed the static line and pulled it with all his might, and to his delight, the chute opened.

As he floated to the ground, Billy felt grateful for his discipline and adventurous spirit. He landed safely, and from that day on, he never forgot to check his equipment before every jump. The end.


  1. What did Billy do when he realized his static line was tangled?
  2. How did Billy feel after he safely landed on the ground?
  3. Why is it important to check your equipment before a jump?
  4. What lesson did Billy learn from his experience?

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