Finance Frenzy: The Game Show Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a corporation called "Big Brain Inc." They had a problem: they wanted to make more money, but they just couldn't seem to brainstorm any new ideas. So, they held a presentation for all the participants to come up with potential solutions.

One participant suggested they hold a vote by ballot. The committee agreed and everyone wrote down their ideas. When they counted the ballots, they found that one idea had exceeded all the others: to have a finance-themed game show!

So, they set up a game show where contestants had to answer finance questions and complete challenges. The winner would receive a big prize!

The first round was to see who could count the most money the fastest. One participant was so good, she counted so fast that all the bills flew into the air and formed a giant ball of money! The audience and participants were in stitches.

At the end of the day, Big Brain Inc. made a lot of money and everyone had a lot of fun. They all went home with a newfound appreciation for finance and a whole bunch of new ideas. The end.


  1. What was the name of the corporation in the story?
  2. Why did the corporation hold a presentation?
  3. What was the solution that exceeded all the others in the vote by ballot?
  4. What was the first round of the finance-themed game show?
  5. How did the participants feel at the end of the day?

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