The Jolly Ant with a Funny Discoloration

Once upon a time, there was an ant named Antvenom who lived in a local ant colony. Antvenom always felt like something was not quite right. One day, he went to the doctor ant to get assessed. The doctor ant ran some tests and made a diagnosis - Antvenom had a disorder that caused his blood to not clot properly!

The doctor ant told Antvenom that the culprit was inflammation caused by a tiny embedded object. Antvenom was so docile that he didn't even realize he had been harassed by this object for so long. But, the worst part was yet to come - Antvenom's skin started to discolor!

Antvenom was worried and didn't know what to do. But, he soon realized that laughter is the best medicine and started making jokes about his discoloration. The other ants in the colony also started to see the humor in it and soon enough, everyone was laughing and having a good time. And just like that, Antvenom's inflammation disappeared, and his blood started to clot properly again.

From that day on, Antvenom was known as the jolly ant with a funny discoloration. He spread joy wherever he went and taught the other ants that laughter is the best cure!


  1. What was Antvenom's disorder and what caused it?
  2. Why did Antvenom start making jokes about his discoloration?
  3. How did Antvenom's laughter help cure his disorder?
  4. What did Antvenom teach the other ants in the colony?
  5. How did Antvenom become known as the jolly ant with a funny discoloration?

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