The Magnificent Inventor and the Dire Contraption

Once upon a time, there was a contraption that lived in a small village. It was a strange machine and nobody knew exactly how it worked. One day, the contraption suddenly started to act in a dire manner, causing the villagers to panic. They tried to fix it but it was no use.

Desperate for help, they turned to the magnificent inventor who lived in the nearby castle. He arrived and examined the contraption, muttering ominously under his breath. The villagers watched as he worked frantically, trying to figure out what was wrong.

After what seemed like hours, the inventor finally found the problem. The contraption had lost its steerage, and was careening dangerously close to a cliff! With a flick of a switch, the inventor corrected the problem and the contraption was saved.

The villagers cheered and thanked the inventor for ultimately saving their cherished contraption. From that day on, they made sure to keep a closer eye on the machine and take better care of it. The end.


  1. What do you think would have happened if the inventor didn't arrive in time to save the contraption?

  2. Can you think of a different solution the villagers could have tried before asking the inventor for help?

  3. Why do you think the inventor was able to fix the contraption when the villagers couldn't?

  4. What lesson do you think the villagers learned from this experience?

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