Once upon a time, there was a flailing knight named Sir Flail who was known for his agility. But Sir Flail had a corrupt underling who wanted to steal his throne. So, the underling savagely attacked Sir Flail and took over the kingdom. Sir Flail vowed to get his kingdom back and defeat the cruel underling. He trained hard and became even more agile. One day, Sir Flail challenged the underling to a duel. The underling fought cruelly, but Sir Flail used all his agility to dodge the underling's blows and wallop him with his flail. The underling was defeated, and Sir Flail regained his kingdom. From that day on, Sir Flail ruled justly and all his subjects pledged their allegiance to him. The underling was never heard from again and Sir Flail lived happily ever after, without any grudges. The end.
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