Gus the Ghoulish Ghost: A Lesson in Antics

Once upon a time, there was a ghoulish ghost named Gus who loved to play zany antics on everyone in the town. One day, while playing a prank on an old lady, she had a stroke and fell into a coma. The funeral was arranged but Gus felt guilty for what he did. He disguised himself as a paramedic and went to the hospital to check on the old lady. But when he tried to lift her, he realized that he had arthritis and couldn't move her. This traumatic event made Gus realize the consequences of his actions and he decided to use his powers for good from then on. The end.


  1. What did Gus the ghost do before he realized the consequences of his actions?
  2. How did Gus feel about the old lady after she fell into a coma?
  3. What did Gus disguise himself as to check on the old lady in the hospital?
  4. What happened to Gus when he tried to lift the old lady in the hospital?
  5. What did Gus learn from this traumatic event?

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