The Evolution of the Prosimian Monkeys: A Journey to the Old World

Once there was a troop of monkeys who lived in the New World. They were called prosimians and were known for their prehensile tails and big eyes. One day, a new monkey joined the troop. He was different from the others as he had an opposable thumb and looked like an anthropoid. The prosimians were curious about him and asked where he came from.
The new monkey said he was from the Old World and that all the monkeys there had opposable thumbs. The prosimians were amazed and asked how they got them. The new monkey explained that the habit of using tools and climbing trees made their thumbs evolve.
The prosimians were so fascinated by this new information that they decided to go on a journey to the Old World to see it for themselves. When they arrived, they were amazed by all the things the monkeys with opposable thumbs could do. From then on, the prosimians started practicing and soon enough, they too had evolved opposable thumbs.
And that's the story of how the prosimian monkeys became more like their anthropoid cousins and gained the ability to use tools, climb trees and have even more fun in their habitat!


  1. What were prosimian monkeys known for?
  2. What was different about the new monkey that joined the troop?
  3. What did the prosimian monkeys learn about opposable thumbs?
  4. Why did the prosimian monkeys go on a journey to the Old World?
  5. What did the prosimian monkeys gain from their journey?

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