The Treasure Hunt of Peg Leg and Scour

Once upon a time, there was a pirate named Peg Leg who lived in a secret lair on a remote island. He had a pet parrot named Scour who loved to scour the island for treasures. One day, while exploring the island, they discovered a strange sonar device that could detect hidden riches.
Excited, they set out to find the treasure using the sonar, but it led them to a peat bog. Disappointed, they were about to give up when they heard a funny brogue coming from the bog. To their surprise, a leprechaun was stuck in the peat, and he offered to lead them to a real treasure if they helped him out.
Peg Leg and Scour agreed, but the leprechaun had a trick up his sleeve. He revealed that he was a myth-debunker, and the treasure was just a myth. But Peg Leg and Scour had so much fun on their adventure that they didn't mind at all. From then on, they explored the island together, always on the lookout for new adventures.


  1. What was the pet parrot's name in the story?
  2. What was the secret device the pirate and parrot found on the island?
  3. Who got stuck in the peat bog?
  4. What did the leprechaun offer to do for Peg Leg and Scour?
  5. Why didn't Peg Leg and Scour mind that the treasure was just a myth?

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