The Monkey Bridge Adventure

Once upon a time, there was an engineer named Bob who lived in a busy city with a towering skyline. One day, Bob was tasked with building a new suspension bridge that would connect the city to a nearby habitat for wild animals.

Bob was determined to build the strongest and most beautiful bridge ever seen! He worked tirelessly, day and night, making sure every detail was just right.

Finally, the day came for the bridge to be tested. Bob and his team climbed to the top of the nearby hydroelectric plant to get a better view of the bridge from the observation deck. As they looked out, they saw that the bridge was swaying back and forth!

Bob was mortified. What had he done wrong? Suddenly, he realized that a family of monkeys had taken up residence on the bridge and were swinging from side to side, causing it to sway.

Bob and his team quickly sprang into action, installing special monkey-proof suspension cables to keep the bridge stable. From that day forward, the bridge became a landmark in the city, known as the "Monkey Bridge." Bob went down in history as the engineer who saved the day with his quick thinking and sense of humor.


  1. What did the engineer, Bob, build?
  2. Why did the bridge start swaying?
  3. How did Bob solve the problem with the bridge?
  4. What happened to the bridge after Bob fixed it?
  5. What is the new name of the bridge?

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