Vera the Volcano's Lava Blast

Once upon a time, there was a dormant volcano named Vera. She lived in a peaceful caldera and was known for her geysers that spouted steam into the sky. But one day, something strange happened. The magma in her crater started to boil and surge clouds formed around her. Suddenly, a huge burst of lava shot out of her top!

The nearby animals were shocked and scared. "What's going on with Vera?" they asked. But little did they know, Vera was just waking up from a long nap and was feeling a bit grumpy.

So, the animals decided to cheer her up by throwing a big party at her feet. They danced, sang and played games, trying to make her smile. And finally, after all the fun, Vera let out a big laugh and the lava stopped flowing.

From that day on, Vera was no longer dormant and became the life of the party in the caldera. Whenever she felt grumpy, the animals would throw a party and everyone would have a blast!


  1. Why did the volcano, Vera, start to pour out lava?
  2. How did the animals react to the lava blast?
  3. What did the animals do to make Vera happy?
  4. Was Vera happy after the party thrown by the animals?
  5. Would you like to attend a party with a volcano? Why or why not?

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