The Peddler's Sweet Traditions

Once upon a time, there was a little town where everyone traded their goods and services with each other. One day, a new labor arrived in town, a peddler who sold the most delectable sweets. The townspeople were so flattered by his treats that they asked him to join their weekly procession.

The peddler agreed, but warned them that he had to obey his own traditions. So, every time they paraded through the streets, he would light incense and close the shutters of his shop.

One day, a curious little girl followed the procession and peered inside the shop. She saw the most sumptuous feast she had ever seen, with sweets and treats of every kind. She couldn't resist trying one and it was the best thing she had ever tasted.

The next day, the whole town was in an uproar, wanting to know how the peddler made such delicious treats. The little girl told them all about the sumptuous feast she had seen and the townspeople begged the peddler to share his secret. But the peddler simply smiled and said, "I must obey my own traditions."

And so, the townspeople continued to trade for the peddler's treats, never knowing how he made them so delectable. But it didn't matter, because they were happy to enjoy the sweets, and the procession continued to be filled with the sweet smell of incense and the sound of the shutters closing.


  1. Why did the townspeople ask the peddler to join their procession?
  2. What did the little girl see when she followed the procession?
  3. Why did the townspeople want to know how the peddler made his treats?
  4. Why did the peddler keep his secret?
  5. How did the town feel about the sweet treats?

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