Pippin's Tide Adventure: A Story of a Brave Pupa

Once upon a time, there was a colony of insects living near the shore. One day, a pupa named Pippin was feeling quite dismayed because all he could see from his cocoon was sand and water, with no excitement in sight.

But little did Pippin know, a big adventure was about to begin! As he finally emerged from his cocoon, he saw that the tide had carried in tons of new creatures and treasures!

Excited, Pippin decided to explore. But as he was crawling along the shore, something strange happened. His thorax and abdomen started to feel heavy, as if he was carrying a big load.

He looked down and saw that he was carrying a huge pile of glittering treasures! From that day on, Pippin was known as the bravest and most adventurous pupa in the colony, always bringing back the most valuable finds from his expeditions.

And so, Pippin lived happily ever after, always ready for his next adventure with the tide. The end.


  1. Why was Pippin feeling dismayed at the beginning of the story?
  2. How did Pippin feel after discovering the tide had carried in new creatures and treasures?
  3. What happened to Pippin's thorax and abdomen during his adventure?
  4. What made Pippin famous among the colony of insects?
  5. What kind of adventures did Pippin go on with the tide?

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