Snout's Adventure in the Secluded Cove

Once upon a time, in a secluded cove, there lived a pup named Snout. Snout had a big nose and a dimple on one cheek. He loved to play in the water and wade in the tide.
One day, as Snout was playing, he noticed that his sense of echolocation wasn't working like it normally did. He bumped into some driftwood and stumbled around until he saw a bloodworm. The bloodworm looked yummy, but Snout remembered his mother telling him not to eat them, because they could give you rabies.
Snout decided to ask the other creatures of the cove for help. But when he tried to approach them, they all ran away, scared of the strange noises coming from his snout.
Feeling sad and lonely, Snout lay down on the shore to rest. Just then, the tide started to ebb and the water receded, revealing a small pool of fresh water.
Snout took a sip and suddenly, his echolocation returned! He was so happy that he barked and wagged his tail, causing all the creatures to come back. They all played together, splashing and laughing, until the tide came back in.
From that day on, Snout was known as the pup with the best sense of echolocation in the cove. And every time the tide ebbed, he would go to the fresh water pool to refresh his powers. The end.


  1. Why did Snout bump into the driftwood?
  2. Who told Snout not to eat the bloodworms?
  3. How did Snout regain his sense of echolocation?
  4. Who were scared of Snout in the beginning of the story?
  5. What happened when the tide ebbed?

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