The Miscommunication Device

Once upon a time, there was a brilliant inventor named Milly. She loved to create new things and her latest creation was a communication device that could receive messages from anywhere in the world.
One day, she made a prototype version of the device and showed it to her friends. They were amazed by its features and asked her to patent it.
Milly did just that, but as she was constructing the final version of the device, she realized she had left out one important feature - the ability to understand different languages.
So, she went back to the drawing board and created a new model that could translate messages into any language.
When she finally got the device ready, she tested it out by sending a message to her friend who lived far away.
Her friend received the message, but to Milly's surprise, it was translated into a language that no one could understand.
The moral of the story is to always double check your work, especially before sending a message to someone!


  1. What was Milly's latest creation?
  2. Why did Milly patent her device?
  3. What was the problem with the first version of Milly's device?
  4. How did Milly fix the problem in her device?
  5. What was the result of the message Milly sent to her friend?

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