The Adventure of the Joyful Plantation: A Mission to Bring Happiness to Primus

Once upon a time, there was a frontier planet named Primus. The people of Primus were ruled by a strict dictatorship and they were not allowed to have any fun. But one day, a group of colonists from the Anglo colony arrived on Primus with a secret mission. They were on a mission to make the people of Primus happy again!
The colonists brought with them a spare spaceship filled with laughter, games, and happiness. They set up a plantation of joy and the people of Primus couldn't believe their eyes! The dictatorship quickly realized that their rule was being threatened by all the happiness and they tried to shut down the plantation. But the colonists had a trick up their sleeve. They used their spaceship to fly away and spread happiness to other planets in need.
And so, the dictatorship was defeated and Primus became a place where everyone was always laughing and having a good time. The end.


  1. Who ruled the planet Primus at the beginning of the story?
  2. How did the colonists from the Anglo colony spread happiness on Primus?
  3. Why was the dictatorship threatened by the plantation of joy?
  4. What did the colonists use to defeat the dictatorship and spread happiness to other planets?
  5. Was Primus a happy planet at the end of the story?

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