The Jokester Surgeon: A Civil War Tale of Ambition and Laughter

Here's a story for kids using the given words:

Once upon a time, during the Civil War, there was a surgeon named Dr. Smith who had a big ambition to lead all the field hospitals in the war. But his problem was that he was always very serious and never smiled.
One day, an enemy soldier came to the field hospital pretending to be injured but actually wanted to deceive Dr. Smith and his team. To everyone's surprise, the enemy soldier started to make silly jokes and made everyone laugh, including the serious Dr. Smith.
From that day on, Dr. Smith learned that being funny and using humor is a suitable way to tend to his patients and make them feel better. He became known as the "Jokester Surgeon" and was loved by all the soldiers in the war.
The end!


  1. Why was Dr. Smith always serious before he met the enemy soldier?
  2. How did the enemy soldier help Dr. Smith change his approach to treating patients?
  3. What did Dr. Smith learn from the enemy soldier about using humor in the field hospital?
  4. Why do you think the soldiers in the war loved the "Jokester Surgeon"?

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