Tim the Noble Pilot: A Minor's Flight to Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a minor named Tim who wanted to be a noble pilot. However, he had never even been in a biplane before. One day, Tim stumbled upon a combat training academy for pilots and observers. He eagerly signed up and, after passing all the tests, became an officer in the cavalry. On his first mission, Tim was rather nervous but confirmed that he was ready for takeoff. As they flew over enemy territory, Tim suddenly realized that he had forgotten to bring his map! The observer, noticing Tim’s distress, calmly told him not to worry and pulled out a map of their own. Tim breathed a sigh of relief and together, with the help of the observer, they successfully completed their mission. From that day on, Tim was known as the “minor with a heart of a noble, who became a daring pilot.” The end.


  1. What did Tim want to be when he grew up?
  2. Why was Tim nervous during his first mission?
  3. How did the observer help Tim during the mission?
  4. How did Tim become known as a daring pilot?
  5. What kind of plane did Tim fly in?

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