The Compass' Adventure: Finding True North

Once upon a time, there was a little compass named Carl who lived in a bank. Carl loved to point in a certain direction and help people find their way. But one day, Carl realized that he wasn't always pointing in the right direction. So, he decided to go on an adventure to find out how to adjust himself.

Along the way, Carl met a determined map who was always on the lookout for new places to explore. The map convinced Carl to come along on his journey beyond the bank.

At first, Carl was anxious about leaving the safety of the bank, but he was determined to become the best compass he could be. They traveled far and wide, adjusting Carl's needle every time it pointed in the wrong direction.

Finally, after many adventures, Carl became the most accurate compass in all the land. And every time someone asked him for directions, Carl would proudly lead them to their destination.

The end.


  1. Why did Carl leave the safety of the bank?
  2. How did Carl become more accurate?
  3. What was the name of the map that helped Carl on his journey?
  4. How did Carl feel before he left on his adventure?
  5. In the end, how did Carl feel about himself and his abilities as a compass?

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