The Shrinking Glacier: A Tale of Pollution and Protection

Here's a story:

Once upon a time, there was a glacier in a region that relied on its meltwater for survival. But the population was polluting the water with bacteria, making it unhealthy to drink. The glacier tried to predict the outcome and came up with a plan. It decided to shrink itself and become a tiny glacier that could fit in a bottle, where it would be safe from pollution and bacteria. The population was shocked and quickly realized their mistake. They worked together to clean up the water and promised to protect the glacier and its ecosystem. From then on, the glacier thrived and the region relied on its clean water for a happy and healthy life. The end.


  1. Why did the glacier shrink itself?
  2. What did the population do after they realized their mistake?
  3. How did the region rely on the glacier's meltwater before and after the story?
  4. What can we learn from the story about taking care of our environment?

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