The Starfish's Adventure in the Contaminated Wetland

Once upon a time, in a far away ocean, there was a group of marine creatures who lived happily in their wetland. But one day they noticed that their water was contaminated and toxic!

The wise old crab warned everyone to take precautions and not absorb the toxic water into their bodies. But the young and adventurous starfish didn't listen and took a sip from the contaminated pond.

Soon after, he started feeling dizzy and his arms started to shrink! He realized that the wise old crab was right and quickly ran to the safe side of the wetland.

All the other creatures laughed at the silly starfish and learned an important lesson about the dangers of toxic water and the importance of taking precautions. From that day on, they all made sure to stay away from contaminated water and live happily ever after!


  1. What was the problem in the story?
  2. Why did the starfish drink from the contaminated water?
  3. How did the starfish feel after drinking the toxic water?
  4. What did the starfish learn from his adventure?
  5. Why is it important to take precautions and avoid contaminated water?

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