Sparky the Dragon and the Magic Leaves

Once upon a time, in a magical land far, far away, there lived a small dragon named Sparky. Sparky was a kind and curious dragon who loved to explore the forest and meet new creatures.

One day, while Sparky was out exploring, he ate a strange berry that caused him to become paralyzed. He couldn't move his legs or wings, and he couldn't breathe fire. He was very scared and didn't know what to do.

Luckily, a wise old owl named Owly found Sparky and knew just what to do. Owly told Sparky that the berry he ate was known to cause digestive irritation, but that he could help him. Owly gave Sparky some special leaves to eat that would help his body regenerate and heal.

Sparky ate the leaves, and before long, he could feel his body starting to tingle. He wiggled his toes, flapped his wings, and breathed a small flame. He was overjoyed and thanked Owly for his help.

From that day on, Sparky was careful about what he ate and always made sure to listen to the wise old owl's advice. He continued to explore the forest and make new friends, but he always remembered the lesson he learned about being careful with what you put in your body.

The end.


  1. What did Sparky learn from his experience with the strange berry?
  2. How did Owly help Sparky?
  3. Why is it important to be careful about what you eat?

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