The King's Change of Heart: A Tale of Prevention and Peace

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a cruel king who loved violence and aggression. The king's behavior was so bad that the kingdom was in constant threat. But one day, a wise advisor came to the king with a plan. He showed the king statistics on how much better the kingdom would be if they focused on prevention, instead of violence. The king was skeptical, but the advisor convinced him to try a new strategy. They worked together to change the behavior of the people in the kingdom, teaching them about kindness and peace. And soon, the kingdom was a happier and safer place. The end.


  • Why was the kingdom in constant threat?
  • How did the advisor convince the king to change his behavior?
  • What kind of behavior did the king exhibit before the change?
  • What was the new strategy that the king and the advisor came up with?
  • How did the kingdom change after the king adopted the new strategy?

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