Prairie's Vivid Discovery: The Tale of the Rainbow Horses

Once upon a time, there was a pioneer named Prairie who lived on the vast prairies. One day, she discovered that her entire herd of colorful horses had disappeared! She searched everywhere, except for a small vivid spot on the horizon.

Curious, she rode towards it and found a magical land filled with rainbow horses! The horses were so bright and beautiful that they lit up the entire prairie.

Prairie was amazed by this discovery and became the first person to ever set foot in this magical land. She spent the rest of her days exploring and playing with the horses, and telling everyone she met about her incredible adventure.

And that is how Prairie became known as the pioneer of the vivid rainbow horse land!


  1. What did Prairie discover on her prairie?
  2. What was unusual about the horses she found?
  3. How did Prairie feel when she saw the rainbow horses for the first time?
  4. How did Prairie become known as a pioneer?
  5. Can you think of any other adventures Prairie might have had in the vivid rainbow horse land?

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