Zero-Gravity Mishap: The Story of Yuri the Prepared Cosmonaut

Once upon a time, there was a cosmonaut named Yuri who lived in a space station. Yuri loved his job but was always forgetful. He trained hard to resist the forces of gravity, but he always forgot to check his equipment.
One day, Yuri was preparing for a spacewalk when he realized he forgot to check the nozzle on his spacesuit. The nozzle was responsible for keeping Yuri attached to the space station and it was crucial for him to remain safe.
Yuri quickly called Mission Control, who told him they were too busy with important technology problems to help. Desperate, Yuri decided to recover the nozzle himself.
But as he reached out to grab it, he accidentally involved the nozzle in a game of zero-gravity catch with a fellow cosmonaut. The nozzle flew from one end of the space station to the other, knocking over several critical pieces of technology and damaging the structure.
The other cosmonauts laughed as Yuri chased the nozzle, but he was determined to recover it and prepare for his spacewalk. Eventually, Yuri caught the nozzle and fixed it back into place just in time for his spacewalk.
From that day on, Yuri made sure to double-check all his equipment before any spacewalks, and he became known as the most prepared cosmonaut on the space station.


  1. Why was it important for Yuri to check his nozzle before his spacewalk?
  2. Why was Mission Control unable to help Yuri with his nozzle problem?
  3. How did Yuri feel about the other cosmonauts laughing at him?
  4. What did Yuri learn from this experience?
  5. Why is it important to be prepared for spacewalks?

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